Member Committees
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Bargaining Committee: Deb Gross / Jamie Fockler / Lorie Fox / Michelle Streng / Karen Godwin
Budget Committee: Shannon Kelly / Sherry Yens / Jamie Fockler / Ketruah Walmsley / Marybeth Calverley
By-Laws: Jamie Fockler / Lorie Fox / Keturah Walmsley / Deb Gross
Elections: Amy Courter / Britanie Dault / Denise Smith / Ronda Haymaker
Family Illness Fund: Maureen Middleton / Kay Purtill / Amy Courter / Deb Gross
Good and Welfare: Dee Liles /
Health Care: Vicki Begres / Jamie Fockler
Serious & Catastrophic Leave: Rosa Best / Deb Gross
Scholarship: Katie Mills / Ann Harmon / Britanie Dault